Year in Coffee - 2020

collection of coffee bean bags
My collection of 2020 Coffee Bean Bags

Just like last year, I've used Google Sheets to generate some statistics about the coffee beans I used this year.

The first thing I noticed when looking at the numbers is there's less variety. Last year I had 22 different kinds of beans, this year only 11, this is probably because of the Covid-19 virus. Other years, when I've visited a coffee shop to drink some coffee, I almost always leave with a bag of beans from this shop. But this year, I haven't been drinking coffee a lot outside of my office or home.

For the rest, there isn't anything unexpected, I still love African coffees, although the once I had from Latin America were also very good. I had a little more naturals this year (44.8% vs 38.3% last year), and I still buy most of the beans at the Espressofabriek, which is around the corner.

The coffee beans I liked most are the 'Wolichu Wachu' and the 'Sasaba Natural', both from Ethiopia.

I hope 2021 will be a year in which I can try more beans from different regions. And if you're used to buying your coffee at the supermarket, maybe 2021 will be a good year to try something different. Go to your local coffee shop and ask for advice. The price will probably be a bit higher than you're used to, but most of the time, this will make sure the farmers will make some better money also.

Let's make 2021 an excellent coffee year, for us coffee lovers, but also for the people who make sure we can drink it 😉.

coffee beans origin overview in % coffee beans origin overview coffee beans processing type roasters overview