Year in Coffee - 2023

This is the fifth edition of 'My Year In Coffee,' my yearly statistics overview of the coffee beans I use in a year. I'm using Google Sheets for this.
For the last couple of years, I bought most of the beans at a local coffee shop called 'Espressofabriek.' This year, I still got about 37% of my beans there, but the rest I bought at Back to Black, Coffee Bru (Rum Baba Coffee Roasters), and a lot of other coffee shops in the city of Amsterdam or in other cities I visited. I also tried the Coffeevine coffee box, a monthly coffee beans subscription.
Most of the beans are natural or washed processed; only a tiny percentage were processed in anaerobic processes. I hope to improve this number in 2024. 😉
If you have any tips for great coffee beans, or if you are a roaster and want to be included in my stats for next year, please send me an email. 😎
I have yet to start building an app or a website so other people can get their Year in Coffee, but I'm still playing with this idea. Although there are many coffee apps that you can use to keep track of your coffee beans, none of them can be used to generate statistics, as far as I know.